Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Welcome back


This post will be short.
It's been a long time without any post. Now, I want to back to writting.

I will write mainly about tech stuff but also I'm going to write about some other topics like language learning or design.

I hope you will like it.
See you soon.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Learning languages - easy way? No way!


Nice to see you again. Today I want to write something about language learning.

For now I'm learning 3 languages: English (because I'm not native), German and Spanish. Frankly speaking I spend a lot of time learning. I sit and practice everyday. It's hard and I have to focus on 3 languages, not only one, so...

Firstly, I decide what languages are the most important for me. The first place get English, second - Spanish and third - German. So when I decide what I want to learn, I fully focus only on one language (in this case English), after that I do some things to learn Spanish (below about this) and I learn German only a little.

So what I do to learn language?
Let's start with English. 
First thing you probably notice is that I have a blog. It's just about what I love and sometimes I try to post some articles. It helps me a lot with written language.
Next, I use twitter to get some fresh news and topics I'm interested in. This is nice way to understand colloquial language and improve your reading skills.
Then, I always have turned on English radio in background. Also I'm watching some youtube channels, it's funny, easy way to improve listening.
I don't have much time to practice my spoken English but I try to speak as often I can. I use skype or I meet someone and talk with.

Next language is Spanish.
I use Duolingo - best language learning tool ever. It fits my understanding of learning languages and it's efficient. For now I don't end Spanish tree but when I'll do this, I'm going to reverse languages and learn English by Spanish. It will check my Spanish skills.
Also I try to write something in Spanish everyday. I use a small notebook and I write about my day, what I learnt or just about my thoughts. It's not diary but my 'ideas notebook'.
In addition, I try to watch Spanish youtube. It's kind of funny, because even if you don't understand everything, you can notice some words or meanings. For me it improves my listening skills.

I don't do much to know this.
I only learn one or two hour per week, but everyday I do two lessons on Duolingo.
Sometimes I watch a youtube channel to maintain this language.
Why I still learn this language but I'm not focused in. At first I just want know English very well and speak Spanish fluently but I don't want to start with nothing, so I just slowly introduce myself with this language.

In sum, I spend a lof of time learning. It's hard but I'm never going to give up!

If you have any question, just ask.
See you.
Bye :)

Friday, May 6, 2016

HTML5 and android - How to deal with it?

Hello everyone,

What's up?
Today I want to talk about using HTML5 to create android application.

To be honest, I love this solution. You code in HTML5 and javascript your application. Then you just make your 'app' more awesome thanks to css. What's next? Just use phonegap ( to build your app and that's it.

Wait. What? It's too simple!
Nope. You just create your website and make an application.

How to start?
Create index.html and there put your html code. Add some javascript code to the website. That will make your website alive but ugly, so next add css. Now you have awesome app which is nothing more then website.
Then just log in to phonegap and put there your files.
That's all.

Next I will create simple tutorial on how to create android application in few simple steps.


PS: Leave a comment what you think.
PPS: Thanks :)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Programming on android

Hi awesome people :)

Let's start talking about programming on android device.

Firstly, it's hard, not effective and tiring. I know many people disagree, but it's possible.

Why? Because you have small screen. You have to jump from window to window and you can't have two or more at the same time. The font size is small. Looking at small letters and bright, small screen is tiring. There is not enough space and you need effective tool for switching between windows.

Secondly - compilators. You have to own remote server to compile your programs. And if you doesn't have access to device that can run your program, it will be the nightmare. Efficient way to build your programs is important. When you use remote server and you can run your code on android device. And it's pretty ok. Also, web development is easy on android. Browsers are everywhere. Code run without any external compilators. You can just seat down and code webpages that don't use server. You can code templates, make frontend stuff. Backend is a little harder, you need to deploy your code to server and then run.

Finnaly, in my opinion, you should code on android only when you don't have any choice or want to code anywhere. It will be tiring and hard, but you can spend e.g. in bus few minutes/hours coding something cool for your website.

Any questions?
Any suggestions?

See you :)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Changes, beauty changes ...

Hi everyone,
I've spent so much time thinking about this blog. It's hard to maintain when you are doing this for first time. So, frankly speaking I decide to change type of blog. For now, it won't be only programming blog, but also about learning languages, drawing and everything what I'll try to do.

Why I decide for that. It was hard for me to write often posts. I don't know any interesting things, tips or something to share, so the posts won't be able to keep this blog alive. Next, my PC is broken. I can't programm for now and I use android device until my PC doesn't work. By the way it's funny to try programming without using PC. But I'll another post about that :)

For this reasons I make decision about changes. I hope the changes will be good. I'll try write one post everyday. (Or just some per week[ who cares :) ]).

So... For now it's all.
Keep doing everyone.
See you.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Tutorials never, learning always


Today I will write about learning.

Games should teach us how to play. Good designed game doesn't need any tutorial.

Good and clear interface makes easy to understand where are functions that we need. When you play strategy game you won't look in building menu for changing taxes. You should have another bar or icon for that. Everything with clear and understable signs. If you know where find most of things you need, we can call this interface good and clear.

Many platformer games teach by the chalanges. The game starts with small hole to jump over. Next level has bigger, the next one shows us how to jump on walls and etc. We see the progress and we have fun when we 'win' the level. This design is very intresting, because we don't see any words. Everything we can learn by tries and fails.

What when we get this two designs make in one. Good interface and learning not by words and instructions, but by chalanges and tries are natural way how people learn. We see readable signs and icons, so it's easy to understand what it can be. We also love chalanges so we want to try and try while we win.

I love this way to learn and I hope more games will use that. Imagine learning programming in this way, will be a little funny :)


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Making platfromer game with Haxe and Flixel (compo game)


I decide to take part in compo. It's local 3 months compo, no topic, no restrictions, just a game. I think the platfromer game will be good.

Where I started? At first I deep into Haxe and Flixel. I passed tutorials and made some simple games, just mechanics so now I think I'm ready to write something bigger.

At first I created simple story. This is basic. You have to know what you want to do.

Next I wrote about a game, what I want in game, etc.
 - 2D platformer game
 - 4 languages (Polish, English, German, Spanish)
 - cutscenes - to narrate story
 - menu, many levels
 - maybe dubbing
It's general tasks, nothing more. Now I see that I need something to manage languages and dubbing, something to show cutscens, managing many game states e.g. select language, menu, game etc.

Flixel provide nice managing game states, so this stuff is done. You just extend your class by FlxState.
In my opinion cutscens will be sprites and texts so every cutscene will be another game state.
Managing languages will be static class with variables e.g. TXT_BTN_PLAY and function selectLanguage(language) where just set variable to needed text.

Flixel is amazing and has everything what game developer need. You can load tilemaps from many programs like tiled, ogmo etc., has included pathfinding on these tilemaps. Flixel has basic things like buttons, physics etc. too.

So what I did for now?
I have done:
 - class for managing language
 - selecting language
 - menu with selected language

It's not much but I started today.
I will post here about progress.

See you soon. Bye :)