Saturday, January 9, 2016

Programming on android

Hi awesome people :)

Let's start talking about programming on android device.

Firstly, it's hard, not effective and tiring. I know many people disagree, but it's possible.

Why? Because you have small screen. You have to jump from window to window and you can't have two or more at the same time. The font size is small. Looking at small letters and bright, small screen is tiring. There is not enough space and you need effective tool for switching between windows.

Secondly - compilators. You have to own remote server to compile your programs. And if you doesn't have access to device that can run your program, it will be the nightmare. Efficient way to build your programs is important. When you use remote server and you can run your code on android device. And it's pretty ok. Also, web development is easy on android. Browsers are everywhere. Code run without any external compilators. You can just seat down and code webpages that don't use server. You can code templates, make frontend stuff. Backend is a little harder, you need to deploy your code to server and then run.

Finnaly, in my opinion, you should code on android only when you don't have any choice or want to code anywhere. It will be tiring and hard, but you can spend e.g. in bus few minutes/hours coding something cool for your website.

Any questions?
Any suggestions?

See you :)

Friday, January 8, 2016

Changes, beauty changes ...

Hi everyone,
I've spent so much time thinking about this blog. It's hard to maintain when you are doing this for first time. So, frankly speaking I decide to change type of blog. For now, it won't be only programming blog, but also about learning languages, drawing and everything what I'll try to do.

Why I decide for that. It was hard for me to write often posts. I don't know any interesting things, tips or something to share, so the posts won't be able to keep this blog alive. Next, my PC is broken. I can't programm for now and I use android device until my PC doesn't work. By the way it's funny to try programming without using PC. But I'll another post about that :)

For this reasons I make decision about changes. I hope the changes will be good. I'll try write one post everyday. (Or just some per week[ who cares :) ]).

So... For now it's all.
Keep doing everyone.
See you.