Thursday, June 18, 2015

Missed awesome - what happened?


A few weeks ago I programmed beautiful game. I made graphics, story, only some music left to do (I don't have music skills :c ).

But what when the story is awful? What when you missed something important. This what added "awesome" to game. What when you lost it when you code everything?

So I concede to that. My game is not what I want. I missed something and this game probably never will be released.

I realized I miss source of the awesome when I end programming most stuff and when I played I saw that. This is not my game, not what I want. In my mind it looks much better.

So how to avoid this? Maybe we should write 'source of awesome' on paper and when we start coding look at that. Every time remind what the game will be, how to include all awesomeness to game. We should check the 'awesomeness' is still in the game.

I understood the game is not only mechanic and nice graphic, music, sounds. I missed why I create, why I want people to play my game. Idea, content is not everything, creator should leave some part of self. His feeling of awesome should be part of game and maybe it's reason why some games are better then others, even if game is worse we choose the game with this 'something'.

I hope this help you to don't create empty games, just for money, glory or something. Create games how will artists should do, for feelings.

This video will help you understand, maybe don't tell exactly what I wrote here, but is really similar and complement this article.

Bye and see you soon.

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